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close up of microphone with audience behind

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Delegations and Presentations

Requests to delegate or present to Council or a Committee of Council can be made by filling out the form below.

Delegations: A delegation request is for individuals or groups who wish to address Council or a Committee of Council regarding a matter that is listed on a published agenda. Council agendas are generally published on the City’s website by end of day Thursday before the scheduled meeting. Committee of Council agendas are generally published at least three days before the meeting. Requests to delegate must be submitted to the City Clerk before 4:30 p.m. on the Monday immediately preceding the scheduled Council meeting or at least 24 hours before the start of a scheduled Committee of Council meeting. If an individual appears as part of a delegation before Council or a Committee of Council, a further deputation from the same individual concerning the same topic(s) will not be permitted unless there is significant new information to be brought forward, subject to approval by the Mayor or City Clerk. Specific new information must be presented in writing for consideration.

Presentations: A presentation is for individuals or groups who wish to address Council or a Committee of Council on a matter not already on an agenda. Presentations before Council are typically reserved for community announcements, events and/or recognition of a person or business within the City. Presentations seeking support for a new initiative, service or program will be referred to the most applicable Committee of Council. Requests should be submitted a minimum of seven (7) days before the meeting.

Both delegations and presentations are limited to 10 minutes (either individually or, if presenting as part of a group, collectively) to present to Council or a Committee of Council and can be made either in person in Council Chamber or by using Zoom (unless the meeting is only held on Zoom). Once the delegation or presentation request has been received, the City Clerk will contact you regarding your request. In order to ensure the efficiency of each meeting, the Clerk has the ability to limit the number of delegations and presentations at each meeting. If a delegation or presentation is deemed to be otherwise appropriate, the Clerk may review the option of presenting at a future meeting date.

Tips for Presenting to Council and Committees of Council

Please remember that you have only 10 minutes to make your delegation or presentation to Council or Committee of Council, which will be followed by questions. This ten minute allotment applies if you are delegating or presenting individually or as part of a group.

  • If you have any presentation materials (e.g. PowerPoint presentation), ensure that it has been submitted to the Clerk’s Department before 4:30 p.m. on the Monday immediately preceding the scheduled Council meeting or at least 24 hours before the start of a scheduled Committee of Council meeting. Staff will take care of the changing of slides or images during your delegation/presentation.
  • Please wait until the Mayor (or Chair) announces your delegation/presentation before speaking to the matter.
  • If presenting in person, proceed to the lectern once the Mayor (or Chair) announces your delegation/presentation, and ensure that the lectern microphone is turned on.
  • If presenting virtually, you will start the meeting as an attendee where you will not be able to turn on your video or microphone. Once you are called upon by the Mayor (or Chair), you will be able to turn on your video and microphone.
  • Introduce yourself and anyone else who may be accompanying you.
  • State your purpose and ensure that your delegation/presentation is concise, providing only the information required for Council (or Committee) to make an informed decision.
  • When your delegation/presentation has concluded, the Mayor (or Chair) will invite Councillors (or Committee members) to ask questions.
  • When speaking to Council (or Committee of Council), address your delegation/ presentation and answers to questions through the Mayor (or Chair).
  • No more than one person may speak at a time.
  • The use of respectful language and decorum will be maintained at all times.
  • After you have finished delegating/presenting and answering questions, please return to your seat.
  • You are not required to remain for the entire meeting duration; you may leave after your delegation/presentation is finished.
Does your presentation include a slide deck?
Have you previously presented on this topic?

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif

I understand that the information contained on this form, including any attachments, will become public documents and listed on City Meeting Agendas and on the City's Website.

Contact Us

© 2018 The Corporation of the City of Thorold, 3540 Schmon Parkway, PO Box 1044, Thorold ON, L2V 4A7

Hours of Operation: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday

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